OpenStreetMap layers, in ATAK
In this post, the intention is to design a pipeline so ATAK can ingest information from OpenStreetMap as straightforward as possible in order for first responders to import layers from campaigns of crowd sourcing information.
(A proper introduction to ATAK and TAK in general will come, eventually!).
This can be achieved through the use of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) overpass turbo API. This tool allows to do queries to the OSM database and export those queries as features in a KML (amongst other formats).
Then, TAK apps allows to add Overlays on top of the basemap. An overlay is a set of features that can be toggled on or off. The overlays functionality supports KML files.
Here is an example.
We will export all the peaks in the surroundings. In order to do that, we will use the OSM overpass turbo API at and use their query language like this:
After pressing the "Run" button, you can use the "Export" button to export as a KML.

Then in your TAK app, in this case WinTAK, you go to Overlays and you import the KML file. You can also drag and drop the file into WinTAK.

You can export points, but you can also export shapes.
Here is an example of the administrative boundary of a village:

There is one issue remaining for this to become a powerful tool, and seems it can be solved: All markers are exported with the default pin image associated.
Editting the KML file using Google Earth shows that WinTAK supports different icons, so there might be a simple editing that could be done in order to change the icon for all the point features in the KML.

Through this mechanism, first responders can have access to the specific features that their team need to have better spatial awareness, without the clutter of having the whole OSM database available, but being able to have all key information at their disposal.
The other good thing about using overlays is that they can be synced through a TAK Server (haven't tested it myself), and that these are features within the map that can be referenced, boundaries used as geofences, shared between TAK clients, etc. They can also be added as datapackages and deployed in one step to all registered TAK clients.
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